Hall of Honor for College Administrators
Community college vice presidents, deans, or leaders other than college presidents/CEOs serving a community college in an administrative capacity may be inducted into the Hall of Honor for Administrators. Recipients will have served in their position for at least three years as of the Regional Convention and have demonstrated during their tenure a strong level of support for the Society and the local chapter. Awards are presented at the Regional Convention to recipients who choose to attend but may also be sent directly to the advisor of the nominating chapter for presentation at an appropriate occasion. Up to 10 administrators will be inducted into the Hall of Honor each year.
(awarded based on submissions to Headquarters – no separate submission to the Region)
Hall of Honor for New Presidents/Chief Executive Officers
Hall of Honor for Presidents/Chief Executive Officers
Hall of Honor for Retiring Presidents/Chief Executive Officers
College presidents and campus CEOs will be inducted into the Hall of Honor for Chief Executive Officers based on outstanding efforts made toward promoting the goals of Phi Theta Kappa. Applications cite specific ways the president has demonstrated support for the chapter and the Society as a whole. Awards are presented at the Regional Convention to recipients who choose to attend but may also be sent directly to the advisor of the nominating chapter for presentation during an appropriate occasion. Individuals submitted for the Paragon President Award, Shirley B. Gordon Award of Distinction or Michael Bennett Lifetime Achievement Award are eligible for this award. As many as 15 Chief Executive Officers may be inducted into the Hall of Honor annually.
(awarded based on submissions to Headquarters – no separate submission to the Region)
Honors in Action Theme Awards
Honors in Action Theme Awards are awarded to the top chapter projects submitted in connection with each theme. Chapters participating in this category will be eligible for an Honors in Action Theme Award of Distinction (top chapter in each category) or an Honors in Action Theme Award of Merit (up to 2 chapters in each category).
(awarded based on submissions to Headquarters – no separate submission to the Region)
Honors in Action Award of Distinction
The Honors in Action Award of Distinction is awarded for the top two chapter Honors in Action Projects submitted in connection with any theme.
(awarded based on submissions to Headquarters – no separate submission to the Region)
College Project (Distinction & Merit)
The College Project awards are awarded to the top chapter projects. Chapters participating in this category will be eligible for an Award of Distinction (up to two chapters) or an Award of Merit (up to 30 chapters).
(awarded based on submissions to Headquarters – no separate submission to the Region)
Community Service Award
Iota Alpha (Trinity Valley Community College) and Alpha Gamma Pi (Austin Community College) sponsor this category, which is awarded for a successful service project and chapter's written essay detailing the project's goals, outcomes and effects. Iota Alpha donates a trophy and one scholarship to the Texas Honors Institute for the winning chapter. Alpha Gamma Pi donates a scholarship to the Texas Honors Institute for the second place entry.
(submitted to the Texas Region)
Community Service Award Entry Form
Yearbook (Traditional & Digital)
The Yearbook Award is given to the chapter that best chronicles the past year in service in a traditional or digital scrapbook. The recipient in each category receives one scholarship to the Texas Honors Institute. Up to two Awards of Merit may be awarded in each category.
(The Yearbook is brought to the Texas Regional Convention for judging.)
Yearbook Guidelines
Poster Project Contest
The Poster Project Contest is designed to highlight either the Honors in Action or College Project of a chapter. One recipient will be named for each category and will receive a scholarship to the Texas Honors Institute. In addition, up to two Awards of Merit may be awarded.
(Posters are brought to the Texas Regional Convention for judging. A project rubric is submitted to the Texas Region by the Regional Hallmarks deadline.)
Poster Project Contest Entry Form
Most Distinguished Chapter
The Most Distinguished Chapter is the highest scoring chapter in Texas based on Hallmark submissions in Honors in Action and College Project. The recipient receives two scholarships to Texas Honors Institute.
(awarded based on submissions to Headquarters – no separate submission to the Region)
Continued Excellence Chapter
The Chapters that are recognized as a Texas Top Chapter or Most Distinguished Chapter for three consecutive years are considered for the Continued Excellence Award.
Top Texas Chapters
The Top Texas Chapters are the top 18 chapters in the Texas Region that have participated in both the Honors in Action and College Projects. Recipients receive on scholarship to the Texas Honors Institute.
(awarded based on submissions to Headquarters – no separate submission to the Region)
Regional Milestone
Regional Milestone is awarded to the chapter that has reached a significant milestone during the preceding year. There is no application. The recipient of this award receives one scholarship to the Texas Honors Institute.
Most Improved Chapter
Most Improved Chapter is awarded to the chapter that has exhibited the most improvement in the shortest amount of time over the preceding year. Chapters nominated do not need to be a Five-Star Chapter. Chapters that receive the following awards are not eligible for the Most Improved Chapter Award: Honors in Action Project, College Project, Regional Milestone Award, Texas Top Chapter, Continued Excellence, or the Most Distinguished Chapter.
(submitted to the Texas Region)
Most Improved Chapter Entry Form
Distinguished Officer Team(s)
The Distinguished Officer Team(s) are nominated by their chapter advisors. The members of this officer team have demonstrated an exceptional atmosphere of teamwork, leadership abilities, promotion of Honors in Action and other engagement in the Society and the Texas Region, and an enthusiasm for the Society's Hallmarks.
(awarded based on submissions to Headquarters – no separate submission to the Region)
Distinguished Chapter Officer
Distinguished Chapter Officers are selected based on the recipient's demonstration of leadership, promotion of Honors in Action and other engagement in the Society, and enthusiasm for the Society's Hallmarks. International Officers are not eligible for this award during their year of tenure. The chapter may nominate up to two elected officers for this award, including a chapter president. However, team leaders or committee chairpersons may not be nominated for this award. A student may receive this award only once.
(awarded based on submissions to Headquarters – no separate submission to the Region)
Hall of Honor for Outstanding Officers
Students nominated unsuccessfully for the Distinguished Chapter Officer Award are considered for the Hall of Honor for Outstanding Officers.
Distinguished Member
The Distinguished Chapter Member is selected based on a student's embodiment of the Hallmarks of the Society through Honors in Action and other chapter activities. Members holding elected office at the chapter, regional, or international levels are ineligible for this award. Team leaders or committee chairpersons may be nominated for this award if their leadership position is by appointment and not election. A student may receive this award only once.
(awarded based on submissions to Headquarters – no separate submission to the Region)
Hall of Honor for Outstanding Members
Students nominated unsuccessfully for the Distinguished Chapter Member Award are considered for the Hall of Honor for Outstanding Members.
Hall of Honor for Alumni
Individuals who embody and promote the Hallmarks of Phi Theta Kappa are eligible to be inducted into the Hall of Honor for Alumni. Individuals nominated unsuccessfully for the Hall of Honor for Alumni are considered for the Award of Merit for Outstanding Alumni.
(submitted to the Texas Region)
Hall of Honor for Alumni Entry Form
Tejas Award
The Tejas Award for an outstanding friend of Texas Phi Theta Kappa is given to an individual who is not a member or advisor, but who has demonstrated exemplary support of Phi Theta Kappa.
(submitted to the Texas Region)
The Tejas Award Entry Form
Friend of Texas
Persons nominated unsuccessfully for the Tejas Award are considered for the Friend of Texas Award.
Horizon Awards
The Horizon Award recognizes new advisors who participate in regional and international programs, and also recognizes more experienced advisors who have attained new levels of achievement in Phi Theta Kappa programs. There is no application for this award. Awards are presented based on recommendation from an advisor's District and/or Regional Coordinator.
Distinguished Chapter Advisor Team
A chapter may nominate their advisor team of two or more for this award. The advisors should demonstrate an exceptional atmosphere of teamwork, leadership abilities, promotion of Honors in Action and other engagement in the Society, and enthusiasm for the Society's Hallmarks. The Chapter Advisor Team Award nomination should be written and submitted by only the chapter officers and members. Advisors nominated for this award may also be nominated for other individual advisor awards.
(awarded based on submissions to Headquarters – no separate submission to the Region)
Pinnacle Award for Continued Excellence
This award is presented to an advisor who has served for a minimum of ten years and has previously been honored with the Continued Excellence Award for Advisors and the Distinguished Advisor Award. This individual will have contributed to the growth experience of individual members, aided in the development of the chapter, supported the chapter, and been an advocate for the chapter on campus. This award is presented by the Alpha of North Harris Alumni Chapter.
(submitted to the Texas Region)
Pinnacle Award for Continued Excellence Award Entry Form
Most Distinguished Advisor
The Most Distinguished Advisor is the highest scoring Distinguished Advisor in Texas. The advisor named Most Distinguished Advisor will receive a scholarship to the International Honors Institute.
(awarded based on submissions to Headquarters – no separate submission to the Region)
Continued Excellence Award for Advisors
In 2017, the Continued Excellence Award for Advisors was added. It recognizes advisors who have served at least four years and have previously won a Distinguished Advisor Award. Award-wining advisors are those who make significant contributions to the growth of the individual members, serve as the chapter's advocate on campus, and encourage the chapter to be involved on the local, regional and/or international level of the Society. Advisors are nominated by their chapters through the Hallmark Awards application process.
(awarded based on submissions to Headquarters – no separate submission to the Region)
Hall of Honor for Advisors
Advisors nominated unsuccessfully for the Most Distinguished Advisor Award and Paragon Advisor Award will be considered for the Hall of Honor for Outstanding Advisors.